Saturday, July 27, 2013

Fancy Smancy Nails

My teacher recently showed me how to do acrylic overlay with diamonds underneath the acrylics and I fell in love.

I had my classmate Erika do it to my nails for my last week of school.

The best thing about these is that when you touch my nails, they feel completely smooth.

The diamonds are sealed between two layers of acrylic overlay so there's no way for them to fall off!

I added China Glaze Glistening Snow and Finger Paints Hip Hip Hue-Ray! to my other fingers and made it a classy and sparkly french/diamond combo.

Overlay is definitely going to be one of my top options for my nails once I start working because it won't get messed up every time I do a mani!

I finished all my hours for nail school this week so now I just have to complete a graduation packet then I can apply for my license!! Needless to say I'm beyond excited :)